onebutton1 is a dba of APRIL 17th Enterprises, LLC
APRIL 17th Enterprises, LLC started as an Event Planning/Personal Assistant and Custom Gifter.
Well, I am back with valuable services and updated creations!
I will continue to have the passion for organizing, being prepared and a Market Consultant Strategist. Keep in mind that all of my services are just as important as the other and are all available.
EVENT ORGANIZER includes Event Planning, Personal Assistant, Marketing Consultant Strategist and Emergency Readiness packages.
onebutton1 has custom gifts, Mardi Gras sampler packages and COMFY Recovery packages.
SAY IT AIN'T SO: or IS IT? - PODCAST - news or not! and to be a home for VOICES - a place where your event can be advertised, live for 60 seconds! ON AIR! Also Southern Voice over is available.
TREATS by MOLLY - The months of November, December and January, I offer the Hot Chocolate Bombs that are available with mugs. Other products coming soon.